
Answered by: 
Hon Deidré Baartman
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Question by Hon Jacobs.

Whether she and her Department have a plan to deal with illegal gambling establishments;
if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Answer Body: 

In terms of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act, 1996 (Act No. 4 of 1996), the
Western Cape Gambling Board (WCGRB) is responsible for the licensing of persons
conducting gambling and for the licensing of persons engaged in gambling and the
manufacture and sale of gambling machines and gambling devices, and the restriction,
regulation and control of gambling activities within the province.
- The WCGRB continuously respond and act on reported instances of illegal gambling
- Unlike what is happening in some of the other Provinces, the WCGRB has established
a solid working relationship with not only SAPS but other law enforcement agencies
across the Province.
- The WCGRB assists these agencies and SAPS with the training of their officers to
identify illegal gambling establishments and devices which creates greater awareness
beyond the immediate reach of the Board.
- The WCGRB is part of the monthly meetings at the SAPS FLASH Office which
includes the Liquor Authority, and all attendees are part of the monthly joint operations
across the Province.
- The WCGRB is invited to the various Liquor Forum meetings to advise the liquor outlet
owners on identifying the differences between what is a licensed gambling
establishment and what is an illegal gambling premises.
- Although the National SAPS office issued a directive that all Provinces must establish
Strategic Priority Committees to Combat Illegal Gambling, there has been a delay in
such establishment, however, such delay does not impact the effectiveness of the Board
to address allegations of illegal gambling.
- An important aspect of the Board’s strategy to reduce illegal gambling is the
recruitment of Confidential Informers, who not only identify the illegal premises, but
also assist with the gathering of intelligence specifically in crime hot spots where the
safety of the Board officials could be compromised.
- On an annual basis the Board has a workshop with the SAPS and other Law
Enforcement Officials where the successes for the year is discussed, the current and
potential challenges as well as the plans for the year ahead.
- The current relationship established was built over the years through various
engagements and believe that no other intervention is required with the current
approach on illegal gambling.
- An investigation is initiated within 30 days of all allegations of illegal gambling on
which the WCGRB reports on quarterly was well as annually basis.
- The process is where information is received of a potential illegal site or where the
WCGRB law enforcement officers become aware of a possible illegal site, the WCGRB
officials either visit the site to identify illegal gambling or, in the case of online
gambling, plays at the site to gather evidence of the illegal gambling activities.
- Thereafter SAPS are engaged to arrange for a raid and the WCGRB officials
accompany the SAPS officers on the raid.
- Illegal devices are confiscated, moneys are confiscated, and the manager or owner
arrested for the normal legal process to run its course.
- The Western Cape has been successful in countering illegal gambling and has closed
online gambling sites as well as illegal slot machine sites with either issuing admission
of guilt fines or successful prosecution with the aid of SAPS and the judiciary.
- As highlighted in the 2023/24 Annual Report of the WCGRB, 80 allegations of illegal
gambling were reported to the WCGRB during the 2023/24 financial year. The details
of the allegations are indicated as follows:
o 80 cases were fully investigated within 30 days,
o 52 of the allegations were confirmed as being illegal gambling establishments,
o 28 allegations were unfounded.
The Board achieved a 100 per cent success rate (80 out of 80 cases) with respect to
initiating investigations of illegal activities within 30 days.

Friday, November 29, 2024