With regard to the proposed redevelopment of the Somerset Hospital precinct, which includes the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home:
- (a) What are the current plans for the redevelopment of the precinct, (b) at what stage in the planned redevelopment is the process and (c) what are the plans for the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home building, which is currently occupied;
- whether his Department plans to evict those people who are occupying the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home building; if so, (a) what steps have been taken to bring an application for an eviction order, (b) what are his Department’s plans for providing alternative housing in the event of a successful application for an eviction order, (c) what are the proposed relocation sites, (d) in what structures will the occupiers who are evicted be housed and (e) when does his Department plan to commence with the eviction process;
- whether there are plans for the inclusion of both affordable (gap rental or sectional title) and social housing in the precinct’s redevelopment; if so, will those people who are occupying of the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home be included in the social housing or affordable housing project;
- whether he had any engagements or consultations with those people who are occupying the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- (a) The plan is for a mixed use and mixed income housing development. (b) The rezoning was approved, and development rights were acquired in 2019. However, due to the unlawful occupation of the Helen Bowden Nurses Home property and the “acquisition” of the erf with national laboratory services by NHLS, no development could commence. The extension of rights has been approved and will now expire in 2029. (c) The plan is to demolish the building as it is unsafe. Once the building is demolished, a mixed use and mixed income housing development incorporating social housing can commence.
- The people occupying the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home would need to be evicted for the plan for the mixed use and mixed housing development to be implemented. (a) The department has not initiated the eviction process, yet as alternative land would need to be found to relocate the occupants. (b) The Department of Infrastructure is exploring the possibility of identifying and using suitable Western Cape Government property. (c) Refer (b) above. (d) This would depend on the location and nature of the alternative land. (e) The department plans to commence with the eviction process once alternative land has been identified and planning completed.
- Yes, it is. The allocation will be based on the housing list of the City of Cape Town and subject to national housing policy regarding qualification criteria for a government subsidy.
- All interactions with the illegal occupiers have been with the HOD and officials.