
Answered by: 
Hon Isaac Sileku
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Hon Ngqentsu.

In the light of the reported tension and infighting in the Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (CATA):

  1. What interventions have been made in the past months to address the tension and infighting in CATA;
  2. whether he visited the scene and interacted with the affected minibus taxi owners; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  3. what specific interventions have been made since Sunday 9 February 2025 to address the aftermath of the incident and to ensure the safety of taxi owners and operators?
Answer Body: 
  1. The Western Cape Mobility Department (WCMD) has made mediators available to CATA as assistance to try and resolve their internal disputes. WCMD has also requested SANTACO WC’s intervention into the CATA internal dispute, which they are currently working on
  2. A site visit was conducted at Nyanga Taxi Rank on the morning of 10 February 2025 by officials of the Mediation and Stakeholder Engagement unit in the Department to ascertain whether taxi operations continued after the previous evening’s incident. It was found that even though certain areas were cordoned off by SAPS due to their investigation, minibus taxi operations continued uninterruptedly with the loading and transporting of commuters to various destinations taking place.  

(3)   One of the Department’s service providers facilitated a conflict resolution intervention by the CATA federal body to address the internal conflict at local level in Nyanga. Any unlawful actions are within the domain of the City of Cape Town and the South African Police Services to address.

Friday, February 21, 2025