Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Answered by: 
Hon Anton Bredell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Hon Bryant.

With regard to the rising risk of water scarcity in the Western Cape due to climate change:

  1. (a) What is the total water storage capacity of the Province in cubic meters broken up by (i) storage type and (ii) location and (b) what were the storage levels per quarter for the past five years;
  2. Whether any climate risk assessments specific to water scarcity have been conducted by the Western Cape Government; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the projected water availability over the next 10 years, (b) what is the projected impact on (i) rainfall patterns, (ii) evaporation rates and (iii) river flows in the province and (c) which (i) municipalities and (ii) regions are most at risk in terms of water scarcity in the coming years;
  3. (a) what projects are currently underway to mitigate the risk of water scarcity, (b)        what are the costs of these projects and (c) how do these projects mitigate the risk either through (i) additional water capacity or (ii) water loss mitigation?
Answer Body: 

12 (1)(a)(i)      The total Western Cape water storage capacity:

•       Surface water (in Dams) is 2 763.32 Million Cubic Meters (Mm3)

Groundwater and other storage systems are not currently included in this figure, as the province relies primarily on dam infrastructure for bulk water storage.

(1)(a)(ii) Water storage capacity by location:

•       Cape Town System Dams (Combined): 892.26 Million Cubic Meters (Mm3)

•       Berg River Catchment: 418.68 Million Cubic Meters (Mm3)

•       Breede River Catchment: 1058.38 Million Cubic Meters (Mm3)

•       Gouritz River Catchment: 265.75 Million Cubic Meters (Mm3)

•       Olifants / Doorn River Catchment: 128.25 Million Cubic Meters (Mm3)

(1)(b) The Department of Local Government (DLG) is collaborating with the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) to compile verified historical data on quarterly dam levels from 2014 to 2024. This process is expected to conclude by
31 March 2025, after which a detailed breakdown will be submitted.

(2) Yes, the Western Cape Government has conducted climate risk assessments. Projections indicate a 15–30% reduction in water availability over the next decade due to declining rainfall and rising evaporation.

(2)(a)(i) Projected climate changes in the Western Cape indicate significant shifts in rainfall patterns, most areas are expected to experience reduced rainfall, with some regions potentially seeing decreases of up to 40% in specific seasons. There is high uncertainty, especially in transition zones like Nelspoort and Koup, where models suggest both increases and strong decreases in summer rainfall.

(2)(a)(ii) Evaporation rates are projected to rise consistently due to increasing temperatures, leading to more frequent and severe drought conditions. By mid-century, a 1-in-10 drought event could become a 1-in-2 occurrence.

(2)(a)(iii) River flow patterns in the Western Cape will be significantly altered due to shifting rainfall patterns and increasing evaporation rates. The baseflow contribution to rivers, especially in the drier months will be reduced. There will be lower and less consistent rainfall, particularly in winter rainfall regions.

Rivers feeding key water supply systems, like those in the Berg River and Breede River catchments, will experience more variability, with longer dry spells between rainfall events. While total rainfall is expected to decrease, extreme rainfall events may become more intense in some areas.

(2)(b)(i) The municipalities and regions most at risk for water security include the Little Karoo, Cederberg-Sandveld, and Rûens-east to Tankwa-Van Wyksdorp areas. These zones are projected to face significant drying trends, prolonged dry spells, and higher evaporation rates.

(2)(b)(ii) The southern coastal regions, such as Mossel Bay to Outeniqua, may see slightly less severe impacts but will still experience increasing water stress. The interior and northern parts of the province, where water availability is already marginal, will face the most critical challenges.

(3)(a) Western Cape Water Resilience Programme is currently underway to mitigate the risk of water scarcity and enable economic growth.

(3)(b) The Department of Local Government 2024/25 Financial year budget towards the Water Resilience Programme is Forty-three million, seven hundred fifty-three thousand, nine hundred and fifty-five rand (R 43 753 955).

However, the Western Cape Water Resilience Programme encompasses funding from multiples grants, including the Municipal Infrastructure Grant, blended finance.

(3)(b)(i) The Water Resilience Programme has an “Augmentation” Strategic Focus Area, this SFA encompasses projects that are aimed at increasing the available water in water supply systems, dams and in catchments. These projects are co-funded, funded and implemented through this programme. Typical projects include ground water exploration, alien plant clearing and desalination.

(3)(b)(ii) Similarly, the Water Resilience Programme has a “Water Conservation and Demand Management” Strategic Focus area, where project with the objective of reducing water wastage, water losses and conserving water is the key focus.


Friday, February 21, 2025