Cluster B Visit Week

09:00 – 09:30 – Briefing by Langeberg Municipality

Briefing on:

  • Expenditure on Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding
  • Creditor and debtor management measures

09:30 – 10:00 – Briefing by Drakenstein Munisipality

  • Expenditure on Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding
  • Creditor and debtor management measures

10:00 – 10:30 - Briefing by the Department of Environmental affairs and Development Planning and the Drakenstein Municipality on the Vlakkeland, Drommedaris, Lantana and Kolbe Housing Projects:

  1. Vlakkeland Housing Project in Paarl
    • The 4000 housing units to be implemented in the 2016/2017 Financial Year
    • The measures implemented to create housing opportunities for the elderly, cild headed households and the disabled
    • Challenges experienced in terms of water and sanitation
    • Measures instituted to determine the credibility of the Housing Demand Database
    • Discussion on the different housing programmes that will be used in the project
  2. Drommedaris Housing project in Mbekweni
    • The Municipalities current and future Human Settlements opportunities
    • The integration of the housing projects into the existing Stellenbosch and adjacent areas
    • The challenges experienced in terms of funding for housing projects
    • Delays experienced in obtaining sanitation and water approvals
  3. Lantana and Kolbe Housing Projects
    • The status of the Upgrading of the Informal Settlement Programme (UISP)
    • Measures instituted to determine the credibility of the Housing Demand Database

11:00 – 11:30 – Visit to Drommedaris Housing Project

11:25 – 12:15 – Visit to Lantana and Kolbe Housing Project

14:45 – 17:30 –Briefing by the Department of Environmental affairs abd Development Planning and the Drakenstein Municipality

  1. Briefing on the operations of the facility as well as the impact the facility has on the Berg River Improvement Plan (BRIP) within the context of the Western Cape Sustainable Water Management Plan outlining the successes, challenges, constraints as well as future plans for roll-out to the Oliphants and Breede Rivers as well as
  2. The link between the BRIP and the Meulwater Treatment Works
  3. Tour of Meulwater Treatment Works
Thursday, June 11, 2015
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