Public hearings on Liquor Amendment Bill

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Economic Opportunities, Tourism and Agriculture will consider the Western Cape Liquor Amendment Bill [B 3-2015]. Submissions are invited at three public hearings to be held in the Western Cape: George on 8 September, Robertson on 9 September and Cape Town on 11 September.

The purpose of the Bill is to:

  1. Increase operational capacity, streamline operations and address practical operational challenges of the Western Cape Liquor Authority by, for example:
  • Increasing the number of Deputy Presiding Officers (DPOs) to three, compared to the previous one; Providing for more delegation powers of the Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT) and Presiding Officers;
  • Allowing for an optional biennial liquor licence renewal cycle;
  • Providing for the ad hoc appointment of substitute members (four in total) as part of the LLT;
  • Granting co-opted member when sitting on a committee of the LLT the right to vote in certain circumstances, (thereby have these co-opted members act as members would do when sitting on a committee of the LLT); and
  • Addressing technical matters necessary to give effect to the above.
  1.  Address the issue of service stations on the same erf as licensed premises:
  • The disqualification that licensed premises may not be on the same erf that that of a service station has been deleted in the Bill; and
  • A provision that allows the LLT to take into consideration the proximity of a service station to the proposed licensed premises when considering an application for a licence has been included.
  1. Include peace officers in the enforcement of the provincial liquor law and other evidentiary  and inspection matters:
  • Municipal police are included in the definition of peace officers; and
  • The current provision that a person may not have more than 150 litre in his or her possession has been removed.

Interested persons and organisations are encouraged to attend and participate in the public hearings and to submit any written inputs on the Bill to the Standing Committee for consideration. Please indicate whether you would like to make a verbal presentation on your submission.

Written submissions must reach the Committee Co-ordinator, Dustin Davids, 4th Floor, 7 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8000, by no later than 12:00, at least three days before the dates of the respective public hearings.

To download a copy of the Western Cape Liquor Amendment Bill [B 3-2015] click here

The public hearings will be conducted as follows:





8 September 2015

09:00 – 13:00

George Town Hall, 71 York Street


9 September 2015

11:00 – 16:00

Robertson Town Hall, 52 Church Street


11 September 2015

09:00 – 13:00

The Chamber, 6th Floor, 7 Wale Street

Cape Town


Should you need further information regarding the public participation process in preparation for these public hearings, please contact Chris Ferndale, Manager: Public Education and Outreach, on Tel 021 487 1695, Fax 021 487 1697 or E-mail: The Public Education and Outreach Section will conduct workshops on the law-making process, the constitution of South Africa and the submissions and petitions process. The workshops will also include an information session on the Western Cape Liquor Amendment Bill [B 3-2015].

For enquiries or a copy of the Bill, contact the Committee Co-ordinator, Dustin Davids, on Tel 021 487 1683, Fax 021 487 1685 or E-mail:

For media enquiries or to arrange interviews, contact the New Media Officer, Matthys Odendal, on Tel 021 487 1714 or E-mail:

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