SC Transport and Public Works

  1. Briefing by the Department of Transport and Public Works on its Traffic Safety Plan for the Easter holidays. In addition, the Committee has requested the Department to provide it with the following information at the above-mentioned briefing:

                 1.1         The full staff compliment of Provincial Traffic Services

                 1.2         The number of vacancies per grade or level

   1.3         The anticipated number of vacancies due to staff retirement and other factors

   1.4         When these vacancies will be filled

         2.          Briefing by the province’s Permanent Delegate in the NCOP and/or the National Department of Public   Works on the Expropriation Bill [B 4B – 2015] (NCOP)

         3.          Finalisation of Committee Programme on the Expropriation Bill [B 4B – 2015] (NCOP)

         4.          Consideration and adoption of draft Committee minutes of 11 March 2016

         5.          Recommendations/Actions

Tuesday, March 15, 2016
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Committee Room 1