Social cluster to conduct oversight visits in the Overberg

The social cluster of standing committees of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament is to conduct oversight visits to institutions in the Overberg from 16 to 20 May.


This cluster consists of the following standing committees: Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport, and Community Development, Education and Premier. The joint visit week is a key mechanism established by the Western Cape Provincial Parliament to achieve its constitutional oversight mandate within the province. It is intended to ensure that Members of the Provincial Parliament, through its standing committees, continuously remain abreast with developments, social and service delivery issues in the province.


It will also afford the cluster the opportunity to undertake oversight visits and interact with communities and institutions in order to assess the needs and challenges they experience.


The following oversight visits will form part of the programme:


17 May:

08:30-10:30         Gansbaai SAPS

11:00-13:00         Gansbaai Library

14:00-16:00         Gansbaai Primary School and Akedemia MOD Centre


18 May:

08:30-10:45         Bredasdorp, Otto du Plessis Hospital and PAY Programme site

11:00-13:00         Bredasdorp, Babbel en Krabbel Kleuterskool

14:00-15:50         Bredasdorp SAPS

16:00-16:45         Bredasdorp Shipwreck Museum


19 May:

09:00-11:30         Caledon, WCED District Office

11:45-12:45         Caledon DSD Office PAY Programme site

14:45-16:45         Caledon, Swartberg Senior Secondary School

17:00-18:30         Caledon Hospital


20 May:

08:30-10:30         Grabouw Child Welfare

10:45-12:45         Grabouw SAPS

14:00-15:00         St Michael’s Primary School, Grabouw


Enquiries: Waseem Matthews, Committee Co-ordinator, Tel 021 487 1741 or Email


Media enquiries: Matthys Odendal, New Media Officer, Tel 021 487 1714 or Email

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