SC Transport and Public Works

1.            Quarterly briefing by Metrorail on:

1.1         Progress made with regards to challenges experienced in order to ensure an improved rail transport service to the people of the Western Cape

1.2         The safety of Metrorail employees and commuters


2.            Consideration and adoption of draft Committee:

2.1          Minutes of 31 May 2016

2.2          Quarterly Report (April – June 2016)

2.3          Annual Report for the 2015/2016 financial year

2.4          Tracking Document as at 30 August 2016

2.5          Programme as at 30 August 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
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Type of event: 
11:00 - 13:00
Event Time Confirmation: 
Event Venue: 
Committee Room 1