Call for nomination to the Western Cape Language Committee

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Cultural Affairs and Sport, in compliance with section 7 of the Western Cape Provincial Languages Act (Act 13 of 1998), invites the general public to nominate suitable persons as members of the Western Cape Language Committee. Appointed nominees will serve a three-year term of office. The Language Committee monitors language policy and other language matters in the Western Cape and acts in an advisory capacity to the Provincial Government of the Western Cape, the Provincial Parliament and the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB).

The mandate of the Western Cape Language Committee is prescribed in the provisions of the Pan South African Language Board Act (Act 59 of 1995), the Constitution of the Western Cape (Act 1 of 1998), and the Western Cape Provincial Languages Act (Act 13 of 1998).

The members of the Western Cape Language Committee represent the users of the three official languages of the Western Cape, namely Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, South African Sign Language, as well as the previously marginalised indigenous languages of the Western Cape.


•              Nominees must be South African citizens, at least 21 years of age and permanent residents of the Western Cape

•              Candidates must have full command of at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape, and must have an active interest in or knowledge of language matters

•              Successful candidates must be able to attend at least four plenary meetings of the Language Committee and several subcommittee meetings per year.


Nominations must be made on the prescribed form and submitted by no later than 16:00 on 14 October 2016. Requests for nomination forms as well as any enquiries must be directed to Mr Waseem Matthews at tel: 021 487 1741 or via e-mail:

Nomination forms and the Afrikaans and isiXhosa advertisements are available here.

Issued by: Mr RD Mackenzie, MPP: Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape Provincial Parliament.

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