Budget Committee

09:00 – 10:15


  1. Welcome
  2. Briefing by National Treasury on the 2015/16 Annual Reporting process


10:15 – 11:30


  1. An overview by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) on the 2015/16 Audit Outcomes of the  Public Finance Management Act (Act No 1 of 1999) for the Western Cape provincial Departments and Entities. 


11:30 – 13:00


  1. Briefing by Provincial Treasury on the 2015/16 Annual Reporting process
  2. Resolutions/Actions
  3. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Minutes of the meeting held  30 September 2016
  4. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Quarterly Reports of April to June 2016 and July to September 2016


Friday, October 7, 2016
Add to Calendar
Type of event: 
09:00 - 13:00
Event Time Confirmation: 
Event Venue: 
11th floor, 44 Wale Street, Cape Town