Official Opening and SOPA

Please be advised that the official opening ceremony of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament will take place on Friday, 17 February 2017.

The Premier will deliver her State of the Province Address during the sitting at 10:30.

Members of the media wishing to cover the event must contact Matthys Odendal (021 487 1714 or 0825751735 or before 12:00 on Thursday, 16 February, for accreditation. Please provide the following: Personal information (title, first name, surname and company) and contact information (telephone number, cellphone number and email address).

Members of the media who have received accreditation must report to the media registration desk at the 15 Wale Street reception (entrance off the concourse from Wale Street) between 08:00 and 10:30 on Friday, at which point they will be issued with a media tag and assisted to gain entry to the building.  All media representatives must bring an ID book or driver’s licence in order to gain entry to the building.

A number of three-pin male audio connections will be available in the Press Gallery and a further two will be available at the entrance to the Chamber for television cameras.  Three-pin female connections will therefore be required to connect recording devices to the audio feed. Please ensure that you have the necessary leads.

Photographers will be allowed to shoot from the Press Gallery and at the entrance to the Chamber behind the blue rope. An official will be available to assist photographers in this area.  NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY AT ALL, FROM ANY LOCATION.

Photographers whose equipment has been cleared by security, may also shoot the arrival of the Premier (09:50) in the concourse, 7 Wale Street entrance.

Refreshments for the media will be provided in the Tafelberg on the 7th Floor after adjournment of the House.

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