Nominations for the Western Cape Cultural Commission

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Cultural Affairs and Sport invites nominations for candidates to represent all the communities of the Province by serving on the Western Cape Cultural Commission for its new term of office.

The aim of the Commission is to preserve, promote and develop culture in the Western Cape in accordance with policy laid down by the Minister responsible for Cultural Affairs. The Western Cape Cultural Commission was established to give effect to the requirements of the Western Cape Cultural Commission and Cultural Councils Act, 1998 (Act 14 of 1998), and the Constitution of the Western Cape.

Requirements: Nominees must be: • South African citizens • Permanent residents of the Western Cape • Representative as far as possible of the cultural diversity of the people of the Western Cape.

Recommendations: Nominees must have: • Expertise in business studies, marketing and management practices • Knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity, cultural history, social anthropology, performing arts and languages • The ability to formulate and develop policy.

Nominations must be made on the prescribed nomination form and submitted no later than 12:00 on 14 September 2018.

Click here  for details in Afrikaans and isiXhosa and nomations forms.

Enquiries: Mr Waseem Matthews, Tel 021 487 1741 or E-mail: 


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