Standing Committee on Community Development
Please note that a meeting of the above Standing Committee will take place as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Time: 11:00 - 13:00
Venue: Committee Room 2, 4th Floor, 7 Wale Street, Cape TownAGENDA
11:00 -13:00
- Consideration of the Negotiating Mandate on the National Health Laboratory Service Amendment Bill [B 15B-2017] (NCOP)
- Consideration and adoption of the following draft Committee documents:
a) Minutes of 28 August 2018
b) Minutes of 11 September 2018
c) Minutes of 12 September 2018
3. Recommendations/Actions
* Items on the agenda may be rearranged as deemed fit by the Committee
Should you be unable to attend kindly forward apologies to the Committee Co-ordinator. Kindly arrange for an alternate and indicate the name thereof, at your earliest convenience.