Recommendation for Western Cape Commissioner for Children released

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Social Development is pleased to announce that on 19 March the House adopted its report on the appointment of a commissioner for Children in the Western Cape.


In terms of section 2(1) (2) (e) of the Western Commissioner for Children Act, 2019 (Act 2 of 2019), the Committee recommends that Ms Christina Nomdo be appointed as the Western Cape Commissioner for Children.


Gillion Bosman, Chairperson of the standing committee says: “The committee is proud to announce that after 8 months of hard work that included extensive public participation, a shortlisting process and a public interview process we are now recommending a candidate for appointment to the Premier. The next step in this process is that the Premier must consider the recommendation and make the final appointment. We are proud of the work we have done to fill this important office and we look forward to the contribution of the commissioner.”


In the Western Cape we have spearheaded the rights of children by implementing additional legislation to ensure the protection of our children. The appointment of a commissioner for children in this province will ensure that an additional layer of protection is available to ensure the implementation of the rights of children in this province.


The role of the commissioner will be to work with the Western Cape Government to protect and promote the rights of children. This role is complimentary to the existing work being done by this government and we hope that in collaboration more can be done.

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