Ad Hoc Committee COVID-19

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THEME: Government Finance and Budgets/Cooperative Governance


  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Briefing by Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities and Provincial Treasury on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the finances and budgets of the Province, the plan to adjust and allocate budgets, the financial support provided by National Government, funding for COVID-19 allocated to municipalities and spending by municipalities during the lockdown period, provincial reserve funds, goods and services procured under emergency procurement regulations, procurement of Personal Protective Equipment, actions taken by Provincial Treasury to manage relevant departments, the impact of the lockdown on predominantly tourist economies and the relief packages available to these areas, and an update on the Public Private Partnership framework for the Province
  3. Briefing by the Premier and the Provincial Director-General on the Whole of Society Approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the aspects of legislation that assisted or hindered the efforts of various levels of government to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Resolutions/Actions
Friday, May 22, 2020
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Type of event: 
14h00 - 17h00
Event Time Confirmation: 
Event Venue: 
Virtual MS Teams