Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19

THEME: Economic Recovery, Support and Livelihoods


  1. Welcome and apologies


  1. Briefing by the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism on assistance provided to fresh food markets, informal traders and Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs); red tape reduction strategies; and assistance provided to small-scale and large-scale agricultural businesses


  1. Briefing by the National Minister and National Department of Small Business Development on the assistance provided to SMMEs, the informal trading sector and municipalities, and digital assistance for businesses and individuals during the lockdown period


  1. Briefing by the National Department of Employment and Labour on assistance to employees, employers and other workers on labour-related issues and relief measures for essential workers


  1. Resolutions/Actions


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Friday, May 15, 2020
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