Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Briefing by the HASA on the following matters:
2.1 Readiness and responses of Private Hospitals in the Western Cape to COVID-19.
2.2 Intermediate and acute bed capacity in the Western Cape for COVID-19 patients.
2.3 Testing data and challenges.
2.4 Cooperation with the Department of Health (provincial).
2.5 The “new normal” health system post the peak.
3. Engagement with survivors of COVID-19 and their journey through the health system.
4. Briefing by Chairpersons of the Hospital Boards on the following matters:
4.1 Responsiveness of the management of health facilities to the community and the needs of patients and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
4.2 Community support for, and involvement in, health facilities and their programmes.
5. Consideration and adoption of draft Committee Minutes of 15 July 2020
6. Resolutions/Actions
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