Virtual public hearing on the Customary Initiation Bill

The Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport invites stakeholders and interested parties to attend a virtual public hearing on the Customary Initiation Bill [B 7B–2018] being organised as part of the committee’s constitutional responsibility on Tuesday, 22 September, at 09:00.


“The purpose of the Bill is to protect, promote and regulate initiation by providing acceptable norms and standards for structures at national and provincial levels with a view to ensure that initiation takes place in a controlled and safe environment. The Bill also provides for the protection of life and the prevention of any abuse, it provides clarity on the various responsibilities, roles and functions of the key role players in customary initiation, and it makes provision for the effective regulation of initiation schools,” says Mr Reagen Allen, Chairperson of the Standing Committee.


The public hearing is arranged as follows:


Date      22 September 2020

Time     09:00 - 13:00


Interested persons and organisations are encouraged to attend and participate in the public hearing and to submit written input on the Bill to the Standing Committee on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport for consideration. Only input on the content of the Bill will be considered.


Submission should be submitted to the Procedural Officer Mr Waseem Matthews, either by email to or as a WhatsApp voice note on 076 633 3133 by 28 September, with an indication whether a verbal presentation on the written submission will be made.


“We would like to encourage the public to participate in this process. All information, including the bill, is available on the Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s website at . All meetings of the Standing Committee can be viewed live by simply clicking on the link under the scheduled event on the website calendar at,” says Allen.

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