2021 Official Opening and Premier's SOPA to be held in Genandendal

Following his election as Speaker in 2019, Hon Masizole Mnqasela committed to taking the Provincial Parliament closer to the people of the province during his term in office.


Speaker Mnqasela put paid to this promise when he held the 2020 Official Opening and SOPA over two days in Rocklands, Mitchells Plain. Following the success of this event, the Speaker indicated that the 2021 Official Opening and SOPA would be held in the Overberg district, in particular in the Theewaterskloof municipal area.


“I am pleased to announce that this year’s official opening and State of the Province Address will be held in the historic town of Genadendal on Wednesday, 17 February. We will remain in the area for the multi-party debate on the Premier’s SOPA and the Premier’s reply to the debate the following day, 18 February, also in Genadendal“ says Speaker Mnqasela.


Some of the WCPP’s standing committees will also be conducting oversight visits in the area in the days leading up to the opening and SOPA in order to engage with local communities and identify areas of service provision and other challenges.


Speaker Mnqasela says: “During the next few days we will be finalising some of the logistical arrangements at which stage we will alert the media of the details. We are very excited about taking this important event to the people of the Overberg, however, we are also fully cognisant of the risks. We will therefore ensure that every aspect of the event is compliant with current COVID-19 regulations and the observance of social distancing and sanitising prescriptions and the wearing of masks. The safety and health of our Members, officials, guests and the community of Genadendal is of critical importance to us and we will not be taking any unnecessary risks.”

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