Chaipersons of standing committees appointed

The names of the chairpersons of standing committees have been released. In all there are 12 committees, including that of Public Accounts, which will oversee the 14 provincial departments. This is two more that than the previous session and this will ensure better oversight, without any additional costs as committees work in groupings.

Chief Whip, Mark Wiley, said ”There is a good spread of experience and qualification amongst this group of chairs and I am satisfied that good oversight over the Executive will be achieved”. The healthy tradition of offering the Public Accounts chair to an opposition party has also been continued and Mr Ferlon Christians of the ACDP will fill this important financial oversight post”.

The chairpersons of the standing committees are:

  • Education: Basil Kivedo
  • Cultural Affairs and Sport: Ricardo MacKenzie
  • Social Welfare (Health and Social Development): Anroux Marais
  • Community Safety: Mireille Wenger
  • Premier: Lorraine Botha
  • Agriculture, Economic Development & Tourism: Beverley Schäfer
  • Environmental Affairs & Development Planning: Rodney Lentit
  • Public Works and Transport: Lennit Max
  • Local Government: Masizole Mnqasela
  • Human Settlements: Matlhodi Maseko
  • Finance: Denis Joseph
  • Public Accounts: Ferlon Christians