Community Safety
(a) What is the total number of attacks on tourists that have taken place in (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016, (iv) 2017, (v) 2018 and (vi) 2019, (b) how many of these attacks lead to deaths, (c) what is the impact of crime and murders on the tourism industry in the province, (d) what interventions has his Department put in place to ensure the safety of tourists in each of the years mentioned in (a) and (e) what has been the impact of these interventions?
The South African Police Service informed me as follow:
7. (a) & (b) The corporate systems of the South African Police Service do not include an attribute to indicate if a victim of crime was a tourist at the time of the incident.
(c) Not applicable to SAPS.
(d) SAPS has the following interventions in place to ensure the safety of tourists:
• Multidisciplinary deployments with City of Cape Town Law Enforcement agencies and SANPARKS on Table Mountain Reserve;
• Joint deployment at Cape Town Cyclops for surveillance of problematic areas frequented by tourists;
• Police visibility and blue light patrols in popular tourist destinations;
• Enhanced festive season deployments at popular tourist destinations including malls, beaches and at events; and
• Joint awareness campaigns with partners to create awareness of problematic crime areas in the Central Business District.
(e) Partnership policing with City of Cape Town Law Enforcement agencies, CID’s and the private security industry has resulted in enhanced awareness in identified problematic areas.