Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Question by: 
Hon Gillion Bosman
Answered by: 
Hon Anton Bredell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

1.    (a) What is the state of recovery at the Kannaland Municipality after the Municipality had been placed under administration, (b) how many people have been employed since the Municipality had been placed under administration and (c) which positions have been filled;

2.    whether the correct processes were followed with the appointment of people in 1(c); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

3.    whether the appointment of the Director of Strategic Planning was supported by him and the local council; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? 

Answer Body: 

1(a) The Provincial Executive resolved on 5 December 2018 to assume responsibility for the 
        implementation, in its entirety, of the approved financial recovery plan, given that the 
        Municipality cannot take the executive measures necessary to ensure the proper 
        implementation of the said plan. 

An Administrator (Financial Recovery) was appointed from 1 March 2019 with all powers and functions reasonably necessary to ensure the proper implementation of the approved financial recovery plan. Arrangements were made to second an official from another Municipality to be appointed as the Administrator (Financial Recovery) but such appointment has now been completed. 
The Municipality recently achieved an unqualified audit outcome. The Provincial Minister is of the view that the unqualified audit outcome is a result of the hard work undertaken by certain Municipal officials working together with the Provincial Government. 

While the Provincial intervention to date has achieved some positive results, the envisaged further work is required in order to turn around the Municipality and achieve financial stability and sustainably. 
Mr Wessel Rabbets has now been appointed as the Administrator (Financial Recovery) with effect from 6 September 2019. The abovementioned appointment shall be till 
29 February 2020.

(b)    Forty-six (46) people have been employed since the Provincial Executive assumed responsibility, in terms of section 139(5)(c) of the Constitution, for the implementation of the financial recovery plan, three of which are permanent appointments, two are section 56 appointments, three learner/intern appointments and the remainder are contract appointments in order to deal with temporary capacity requirements. 

(c)     The following positions were filled:

Section 56 appointments
•    Chief Financial Officer 
•    Director: Infrastructure Services

•    Superintendent: Mechanical 
•    Traffic Officer 
•    Cashier
1-3-year contracts:
•    Learners x 3 (contract end date 31/08/2020)
Contracts under 12 months:

•    Twenty-seven (27) temporary workers (General Worker) were reinstated for a period of 9 months following a settlement agreement which was concluded prior to the Provincial Executive assuming responsibility, in terms of section 139(5)(c) of the Constitution for the implementation of the financial recovery plan. (contract end dates 30/09/2019)
•    Fire fighter x 3 (3 months) (contract end date 30/09/2019)
•    Senior Clerk: Credit Control (3 months) (contract end date 30/09/2019)
•    Clerk: Credit Control (3 months) (contract end date 30/09/2019)
•    Secretarial (3 months) (contract end date 31/05/2019)
•    EPWP general worker (4 months) (contract ending date 30/06/2019)
•    General worker (1 month) (contract ending date 30/04/2019) 
•    General worker (1 month) (contract ending date 31/07/2019)
•    General worker (4 months) (contract ending date 31/07/2019)
•    General worker (4 months) (contract ending date 30/06/2019)
 (2)  The Provincial Minister, in accordance with statutory provisions, must be informed by the Municipal Council of the appointment process and outcome for section 56 appointments. The Municipal Council provided the required information in terms of the applicable regulations. My Department assessed the appointments and advised that correct processes were not followed with the appointment of the section 56 appointments. In these instances, I am advised that there was non-adherence to the provisions of the Regulations. My Department is considering legal opinions in determining these matters. 

In relation to the remaining 44 appointments, the Municipality is required to apply its Human Resources policy as to the recruitment and selection, however, it is not a legislative requirement for the Municipality to have submitted a report on the recruitment and selection for these posts to my Office.

(3)    The Municipality does not have a post of Director of Strategic Planning.

Friday, August 30, 2019